Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Where can I find information on strategies of engagement with intergenerational culture differences?

The link below from Generations United, a national organization "focused solely on improving the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational strategies, programs, and public policies" (in the words of the organization) is a good place to start. There is also a list of sources on the Generations United site that can provide you with additional resources and information.
Intergenerational programs involve the opportunity for older people to interact with people from other generations and cultures. Older people can be a great resource for people in other generations, as they have more available time and are the most committed and reliable types of volunteers, according to Generations United. Intergenerational programs can benefit both older people and younger people. For example, older people who volunteer with children burn more calories, have fewer falls, and show better health outcomes. Younger people who work with older people have fewer academic and substance abuse problems.
The site at the link below offers ideas for programs that bring people together across generations and cultures, including younger people offering older people technology classes, or older people offering teens parenting advice or tutoring. The idea is that each generation offers its knowledge and skills to the other generation. In addition, these types of exchanges and programs facilitate the transmission of cultural knowledge from the older to the younger generation.

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