Sunday, November 5, 2017

What kind of a reception did Scrooge get in Fred's home?

When the reformed Scrooge arrives at Fred's house the afternoon of Christmas Day, it is after he had rudely turned down his nephew's invitation the day before to spend Christmas with him. He therefore startles the family when he shows up and asks if he can be let in to the party. However, his niece is glad to see him, as is Fred. Fred shakes his hand very heartily and makes his uncle feel welcome in no time. As Dickens puts it:

It is a mercy he [Fred] didn’t shake his arm off. He was at home in five minutes. Nothing could be heartier.

Everyone there greets Scrooge happily. In his newly joyful mood, Scrooge can't help but find everyone and everything at his nephew's home wonderful.
Dickens shows that Scrooge didn't have to be home all alone on Christmas Day, for he has loving and forgiving relatives ready to respond to his overtures and make room for him in their lives.

At the start of A Christmas Carol, Fred, Scrooge's nephew, graciously invites his uncle to Christmas lunch with him and his family. At this stage, however, Scrooge absolutely loathes Christmas; he thinks it's all just a load of humbug. And besides, Fred's too poor to be merry. So old Ebenezer rudely rejects Fred's kind invitation.
After his remarkable transformation, Scrooge has a massive change of heart and decides to pay a visit to Fred and his family. Not surprisingly, they're absolutely astonished when he turns up. They're completely unaware that Scrooge is a different man from the ornery old skinflint they've come to know. Yet it soon becomes obvious to everyone that Scrooge has indeed changed, and that he genuinely wants to celebrate Christmas. Scrooge receives a warm welcome and is made to feel right at home. The air is filled with joy and merriment, and Scrooge throws himself enthusiastically into the celebrations.

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