Wednesday, November 1, 2017

sum_(n=1)^oo (2n^2-1)/(3n^5+2n+1) Use the Limit Comparison Test to determine the convergence or divergence of the series.

Limit comparison test is applicable when suma_n and sumb_n are series with positive terms. If lim_(n->oo)a_n/b_n =L where L is a finite number and L>0 , then either both series converge or both diverge.
Given series is sum_(n=1)^oo(2n^2-1)/(3n^5+2n+1)
Let the comparison series be sum_(n=1)^oon^2/n^5=sum_(n=1)^oo1/n^3
The comparison series sum_(n=1)^oo1/n^3 is a p-series with p=3
As per p-series test sum_(n=1)^oo1/n^p is convergent if p>1 and divergent if 0Since the comparison series sum_(n=1)^oo1/n^3 converges, so the series sum_(n=1)^oo(2n^2-1)/(3n^5+2n+1) as well ,converges by the limit comparison test.

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