Tuesday, March 10, 2015

What is Nestor’s opinion of telemachus

Telemachus, the son of Odysseus, goes to seek out the wise old man Nestor on the advice of Athena/Mentor because he thinks that Nestor can advise him about his missing father. However, given Telemachus's youth and Nestor's age and stature, timid Telemachus finds himself tongue-tied when he finally sees Nestor, and it takes some prodding from Athena to even get him to speak. Nestor and his son Peisistratus are very welcoming, and they almost make silence impossible because of all the friendly questions they pose. Nestor treats Telemachus almost as an equal, calling him "my friend" from the outset. He also doesn't hold back any detail of which he is aware, and tells him all that he possibly can about Odysseus. He further encourages Telemachus to show his mettle and make a name for himself because he sees him as a "tall, smart-looking young man." All this goes to show that Nestor is favorably disposed towards Telemachus and sees him as someone with significant potential.

Nestor greets and treats Telemachus as a friend when he comes in search of news of his father, Odysseus. Nestor has heard of Penelope's plight and the abuses of the suitors, but he believes that Odysseus might yet return home, especially since he was always supported by the goddess, Athena.
Nestor seems to like Telemachus quite a bit, and he refuses to allow Telemachus to sleep on his ship, desiring the young man to sleep comfortably in Nestor's home. Nestor also has his youngest daughter bathe, anoint, and dress Telemachus. Further, Nestor gives Telemachus his swiftest horses, a chariot, and rich food to sustain him on his way to the palace of Menelaus, who may have additional information about Odysseus.
Nestor recognizes that Telemachus is a "loving son" of Odysseus, and he respects Orestes, another such loving son that killed his mother and her lover after they'd murdered his father, Agamemnon. He feels that Telemachus is a very loyal son, and this curries favor with him.

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