Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Do you think that computers make a more successful learning environment in the classroom?

Computers, when used for the purpose of boosting education, can create a better learning environment for classrooms. This is especially true as the world becomes more connected. There are multiple ways in which computer use in classrooms can achieve a better learning environment.
1) Computers can be used to complete assignments efficiently. For decades now, computers have been used to complete assignments, such as writing papers, efficiently and with ease. Prior to computers, many hand-wrote papers, or used antiquated methods, such as typewriting on a typewriter, to complete assignments; such methods are inefficient, since with one single mistake, the writer would need to re-start some of their work. Further, computer programs, such as Microsoft Word, allow for consistent and clean writing with little to no errors. Finally, computers are the gateway to the wonderful internet, which allows students access to a wealth of knowledge.
2) Internet programs can be used as in-school and at-home learning and practice tools. As stated above, computers provide students access to the internet; nowadays there are many programs created specifically for educational purposes. There are programs in which students can complete homework assignments online, teachers can assign exams online, etc. Such a learning opportunity allows teachers and students to engage with assignments in ways that can keep learning fresh and interesting. Further, these programs can aid in cutting down on bad learning behaviors such as cheating.
3) Computers allow for more efficacy. Technology, such as computers, has become an almost necessary staple for many students. Using computers as a learning tool is powerful from a psychological standpoint as it allows teachers and other educators to meet students where they are. Further, for those who may be unaccustomed to computer use, computers in a learning environment in which they engage can help them understand computers better, a skill that is useful in almost every sector of our world.
Computer use in the classroom helps to prepare students for our current world that is nearly completely run by computers. By including computers in learning environments, students will be ready for the many opportunities which require effective and meaningful use of computers.

Computers are a great tool in the education of students at all levels. starting form preschool to university especially in concept formation at all these levels. It is easier for students to conceive of these concepts and to manipulate them in 3D in their minds. Computers, however cannot replace the human being nor the invaluable input and guidance by an experienced teacher. Students need guidance in embracing the new concepts. They however need to be guided so that they can manage the infinite amount of data and information that would otherwise bombard them. Temby

The discussion over the value of computers in the classroom has been going on for several decades with no definitive conclusion. Perhaps the reason this is the case is that no two classrooms are identical. The advantages or disadvantages of computers in the classroom have both general and subject- and student-specific components.
On the most general level, computers can be a major distraction and impede interaction among students and between students and faculty. They can encourage verbatim note-taking, which has been shown to be less effective than the sort of summarizing required for handwritten notes. On the other hand, computers are useful for students who can integrate their in-class experience with materials posted online, and they are a convenient way to access course materials being discussed during class without having to carry around heavy backpacks filled with textbooks and notebooks.
In terms of subject matter, it is much easier to teach subjects such as video game design, computer programming, or other computer-intensive subjects if students have access to computers during class. On the other hand, for subjects such as philosophy or history, computers can provide a distraction from the sort of critical thinking and discussion that makes for deep learning.
In terms of students, some will benefit from access to computers, and some will be distracted and watch videos, hang out on social media, or play games. In advanced undergraduate or graduate courses, this is rarely an issue, and computers can be quite useful. Many professors find computers problematic in university general education courses because even a few students engaged in non-academic activities can be disruptive and negatively impact other students' learning.

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