Thursday, October 17, 2019

Explain what argument specifically connects these two primary sources. Please use quotes from both sources to support your answer.

The argument that links both these primary sources, a pamphlet about women by Alexandra Kollontai from 1909, and "Dogmatism And 'Freedom of Criticism'" by Lenin, is that freedom of choice results in bourgeoisie reforms and half measures that do not change the essential problem—the class system. In other words, both authors commit to pure Marxism and argue that half measures will not help eradicate inequality.
Lenin argues against the “freedom of criticism,” a demand that socialists were calling for in many countries at the time to participate in other forms of government (other than Marxism). Lenin writes the following:

He who does not deliberately close his eyes cannot fail to see that the new "critical" trend in socialism is nothing more nor less than a new variety of opportunism. . . . It will be clear that "freedom of criticism" means freedom for an opportunist trend in Social-Democracy, freedom to convert Social-Democracy into a democratic party of reform, freedom to introduce bourgeois ideas and bourgeois elements into socialism.

In other words, he believes that people who call for "freedom of criticism" are mere opportunists looking for ways to advance themselves. However, "freedom of criticism" actually introduces bourgeois concepts into socialism that dilute it and prevent it from being revolutionary.
Kollontai discusses the "woman question" and argues that women who seek to better their position without modifying the entire class structure are not really changing the system that oppresses them. She writes the following:

The feminists seek equality in the framework of the existing class society, in no way do they attack the basis of this society. They fight for prerogatives for themselves, without challenging the existing prerogatives and privileges.

In other words, half measures will not work in truly abolishing the class system and providing the kind of equality that Marxism offers. She dismisses the idea that compromise can work and instead pushes for the destruction of the bourgeoisie class system that oppresses women.

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